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Duration 2h 0min

Please join us for a panel discussion concluding the Biocolours2024 conference.

The panelists, who are also the keynote speakers of the conference, will share their highlights of the event, which brought together researchers from around the world to explore and research alternatives to the currently used, synthetically produced, oil-based colourants. The panel discussion will be moderated by Professor Riikka Räisänen, chair of the conference organizing committee.


17:00 Opening, Professor Riikka Räisänen, University of Helsinki

17:10 Associate Professor Heidi Halbwirth, Technical University of Vienna

17:20 Professor Thomas Ostenfeld Larsen, Technical University of Denmark

17:30 Professor Richard Blackburn, University of Leeds

17:40 Anne de la Sayette, CRITT Horticulture, Couleurs de Plantes

17:50 Panel discussion

18:15 Q&A

18:40 Conclusions and closing words

The panel discussion will be streamed online, and the public will have the opportunity to ask questions.